U-Download is a web-based "download manager" that allows internet users to download multiple files with a single click
U-Download is a web-based "download manager" that allows internet users to download multiple files with a click of a single button. In a typical secenario, the user comes on to the website where multiple files are needed to be clicked and downloaded.
Instead of downloading each file at a time, the user clicks on the U-Download button: This will launch the download applet that will enable you to choose the local destination folder. Once the folder is selected, download of multiple files begins at the destination folder written in Java 1.1, U-Download doesn't require any browser plug-ins, is only about 30K in size, and is compatible with all major browsers in Windows, Mac, and Linux.
An internet user can use U-Download effortlessly to download multiple files. The filenames/path-info of these files can be passed on-the-fly to U-Download.This makes U-Download a very strong solution to act as a "download manager" in a web-enviroment.
Here are some key features of "U Download":
· Multiple file download
· Redirection after file transfers
· Reconnection and file-transfer resuming
· Complete color customization